The number in 105.1245687 the tens place shows how many movies are being worked on right now in the Bollywood Industry. What is that number?
What is 0?
Manjhi- The Mountain Man was a movie about slavery and labor. Speaking about slavery-
Why did the white men try to prevent slaves from killing themselves?
They thought losing slaves means losing money.
5 27/4 + 6 12/9.
What is 12 1/12.
Don't forget to reduce!
The number's below shows how many movies have been made each year since 2000-2005. Which number(s) has a 4 in the tenths place?
1. 1937.9476
2. 1937.2340
3. 1937.4340
4. 1937.4890
5. 1937.8490
Numbers 3 and 4.
In 1400s, West African leaders participated in the slave trade.
What is exchanging people for goods?
4 3/5 - 2 4/9.
What is 2 7/45?
Fun Fact Question!
Each year the Bollywood Industry makes more than 1,000 movies.
True or False??
West African groups got slaves outside of their nation.
1. Buying people from other villages?
2. Raiding other West African groups
What is raiding other West African groups?
7/8 * 1/2
What is 7/16?
143,568.0983 has a digit in the ten thousandths place which is half of the number in the ones places.
True or False?
True. And that shows how much more Shahrukh Khan is better than Salman Khan (they are both actress)
Fun Fact Question!!
The Number 1 Movie of All Time.
What is Avengers: Endgame?
9/10 divided by 6/12
The value of 3 in the number 12305.3389345? (starting from the from the far right side)
1.3 Hundred Thousandths
2.3 Hundredths
3.3 Tenths
4.3 Hundreds
William Penn founded Pennsylvania, because he wanted a colony where...
a. Puritans could practice their religion freely.
b. slavery would never be permitted.
c. Quakers could live safely.
The Answer is C.
Fun Fact Question!:
In one year, Bollywood make 4,000 songs!!
True or False?
False! They actually make 2,400 songs a year.