A play on words...literally
Unscramble this word soup!
Ready to take a shot?
Beanbag challenge!
Let's play it by ear...
Can you guess that sound?
Hey, can I have your number?
Remember this phone number and grocery list for at least five minutes!
Emotion! More Emotion! Think you can act?
None shall receive the points unless...
These riddles are solved!
Pick your favorite song...
Eye wish you the best...
Can you spy the eye?
Wait...Where'd my ball go?!!!
Under which cup is my ball hiding?
I'm a little thirsty...
What's in your cup?
Where are all of those words hiding?
Who can solve this puzzle and find the missing words first?
This egg-ercise is a bit egg-streme...
Egg walk!
Quick! Catch! Fun fact!
If the ball touches the ground, you're out!
You look so familiar...did you change your hair?
Try to remember exactly what this person's face looked like
You're hot! No, now you're cold!
Try to return the ball to its basket...blindfolded!