Figurative language 1
Figurative language 2
Problem solving 1
Problem Solving 2

I've heard some reports of his achievements, but I take it with a grain of salt.

Do not take what someone says too seriously 


Pull yourself together before we arrive to my mother’s house.

Calm down 


You are washing your clothes. You let the clothes sit in the wash machine, wet for three days. When you take the clothes out of the wash machine, you notice they smell dirty. 

Why do they smell dirty? What should you have done instead?

clothes should not remain wet for three days. Should have dried the clothes right after they were done washing.


You are curling your hair before you go out with your friends. You leave the curling iron on. You grab your purse and leave the house. What was the problem?

You left the curling iron on.


Luke and John have always been best friends. They do everything together! Recently, John got a new girlfriend. Now he spends all of his all of his time with her.

What is Luke thinking?

What is John thinking?


It feels like I bit off more than I could chew when I promised to complete this worksheet in one day.

To take on more responsibilities than you can handle.


Don't worry, Sophie - this job interview will be a piece of cake for you - you have all the skills they need and I think you're absolutely the best candidate.

Very easy.


You need to call your pharmacy. The name of the pharmacy is Jorden’s Pharmacy. Under the white pages in your phone book, what letter would you look under?



You schedule a doctor’s appointment for three months in advance. What would be a good way to remember this appointment?

Write it down on a calendar or schedule. Notify a family member or reliable friend that usually takes you.


Jackson and Ryan are going to the amusement park this afternoon. Jackson is scared of heights. Ryan loves big rides.

What is Jackson thinking?

What is Ryan thinking?


When my car didn't start, my friend took one look and said that its due to a dead battery. Seems like he hit the nail on the head.

To do or say something exactly right 


Jayla: chocolate ice cream is the best flavor.

Kevin: you can say that again.

What was said is true or you can agree with.


After you take your medication, you feel abnormal. You’re dizzy, vomiting, and running a fever. You feel that something is wrong. What should you do?

Call 911, poison control, family member, reliable friend, caregiver


When you go to the grocery store, you often forget important items that you need at home. How could help yourself to not forget items at the store?

Write a grocery list.


•Toby and Pam just got their exam results back. Toby got an A. Pam got a D-.

What is Toby thinking?

What is Pam thinking?


Anna didn’t join in many activities at first, but now she’s getting into the swing of things.

To become accustomed to routined activities.


I was sitting with a quiet group of people. My friend Sydney decided to say a joke to break the ice.

To make someone or a group of people to feel more comfortable 


You want some cereal for breakfast. You bought the milk two months ago. You begin to eat the cereal and milk. What did you do wrong?

The milk expired.


You go shopping and get distracted. Your purse is in your shopping cart. You come back to the shopping cart and notice your purse is no longer in site. What do you think happened to your purse? What should you have done differently?

The purse was probably stolen. Should not leave purse in the cart without keeping an eye on it.


Damian hates being at home-- he always fights with his brothers, and his parents make him do a lot of chores around the house. Lauren loves being at home. 

What is Damian thinking?

What is Lauren thinking? 


Something is bothering me, and I want to get it off my chest.

To make known of something that is bothersome, angering, or irritating, but kept secret for a time.


I’m not sure if I’ll get the job. It’s still up in the air.

Undecided, not finished 


You leave a candle burning near the curtains. The curtains catch flame. What was the problem and who should you call?

The candle was too close to the curtains and you should call the fire department (911)


You notice that your wallet is not in your purse. It has been stolen. What should you do next?

Check lost and found. Cancel all credit cards. Call police and report a wallet stolen.


Danny just asked his parents if he can go to an unsupervised party on Saturday night. His parents have said no.

What is Danny thinking?

What is his parents thinking?
