What is common domains?
Learning style that students actively participates in.
What is Study Groups?
Time management & Organizational Skills.
What is Informal Learning?
Dependent with own studies
What are "Passive Learners"?
Includes stem, distracters, options, & key.
What are "Multiple Choice Questions"?
Reflects on students point of view.
What is Lecture-Discussion Lessons?
Provided one on one or small groups.
What is Tutoring?
Motivated to succeed.
What is Traditional Adult Learners?
Creates learning environments.
What are "Facilitators"?
Consists of a Phrase, Sentence or Paragraph.
What is "Fill in the Blank"?
Timely resources.
What are Journals/Periodicals?
Practice with Physical & Clinical skills.
What is Nursing Skills/Simulation Lab?
Motivated & self directed with set goals.
What is a Nontraditional Learner?
Participates in the learning process.
What is an "Active Learner"?
Consists of more than one answer.
What is "Multiple-Response Questions"?
Outlining of a lecture.
What is note taking?
Helps with academic problem areas.
What is Study Skills Lab?
Promotes success
What is PMA (positive mental attitude)?
Occurs in Simulation Lab & Clinical Settings
What are "Performance Evaluations"?
Rank in the order of importance
What is "Prioritizing"?
Learned skills.
What are "Study Skills"?
Power Point Presentations.
What is Audiovisual?
Freedom of expression.
What is the First Amendment?
Identifies students strengths & weakness
What is "Self Evaluation"?
Internal Distractions
What is "Mental Fatigue"?