ROAR!! the scaly beast bellowed, as it set fire to the castle.
what is a dragon
this object has keys but unlocks no doors.
what is a keyboard?
this wrestler is in many movies, and he is in various memes. his signature gimmick: "you can't see me!" while waving his hand in front of his face.
what is John Cena?
this board is one you skate on.
what is skateboard
ribbit! ribbit!
what is frog
this creature is part scorpion, part lion, part man.
what is the manticore?
two-letter word. you watch it for hours on end.
what is TV?
he is considered the best baseball player of all time. he pointed to the center-field as if to dictate where the ball would fly. nobody believed him, as it hasn't ever done before. he swung his bat, and it flew through the air, and over the fence.
what is babe ruth?
surfs up dude!
what is a surf board?
this animal has spiky quills on it's back and has the ability to roll up into a ball. despite its name, it is not in the pig family.
what is a hedgehog?
this creature is a big, ugly brute, who looks for an easy kill for lunch. he is also tall and very fat.
what is an ogre?
this is a Nintendo console that is a much better sequel to their first version, coming with a handheld along with the console itself. it is the first of it's kind.
what is the WII U
he is the first African-American president
what is Barak Obama?
this is a board you use in the ocean. you don't stand on it, you lay on it as the waves carry you back to shore.
what is a boogieboard?
this animal is made into burgers.
what is a cow?
three wishes, no more, no less.
what is a genie?
what is the Ipad?
this president is often depicted having orange skin and yellow hair, though it faded once he got older. he is often in memes.
what is Donald Trump?
you walk on this board. the answer is in the question.
what is boardwalk?
this sea creature has zero bones in its body. it lives in deep-sea oceans, and it looks very slimy. it is also endangered.
what is the blobfish?
one glance into its eyes, and you die of your greatest fear. its weakness is a mirror.
what is a basilisk?
CLICK! what?! detachable controllers?!
what is the Nintendo Switch?
he is the lead singer in the band AJR. he also is the youngest.
what is Jack Met?
you build with this one.
wooden board.
this is the most dangerous animal, capable of high intelligence. in fact, the highest.
what is a human?