Summer, winter, spring and ...
This city is also called "the big apple"
New York
The capital of Great Britain
The artist is called "The king of Pop"
Michael Jackson
Vad heter sporten fotboll på amerikansk engelska samt brittisk engelska?
American: Soccer
British: Football
"Jorden" på engelska
The capital of USA
Washington DC
The name of the British queen
Queen Elisabeth II
This rock'n'roll legend is also called "The king"
Elvis Presley
A new trending sport a lot like tennis but with walls.
"Rymden" på engelska
The name of the president before Donald Trump
Barack Obama
The colors of the flag
Blue, white, red
Finish the lyric "Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know...."
...Let it go, let it go
A sport where you use different kinds of clubs hitting a small white ball.
"Lungor" på engelska
The name of the country north of the USA
The four countries in Great Britain
Wales, Northern Ireland, Scottland, England
Singer in the famous TikTok song "savege love"
Jason Derulo
Famous tennis player born in Michigan. Her name starts with a S.
Serena Williams
"Nätmobbning" på engelska
The name of the first president of the USA
George Washington
A classic British dish often wraped in news paper
The singer behind the song "Born this way"
Lady Gaga
A sport where you stand on a board in the water, towed behind a speedboat.