Alex copied the answers from the internet for his exam. Did he do the right thing?
The best way to cope with family changes is...
1.Pretend it isn't happening
2. wait until someone asks about it
3. talk to a trusted adult
4. keep it a secret
Talk to a trusted adult
Should you spend more time on social media or with Jesus?
With Jesus
Is it good to watch you tube videos for a long time?
What do cyber criminals do?
1) Steal your personal information
2) Steal your purse
Steal your personal information
What are the 3 ways to use social media for God?
1) Any post, Any caption, Any emojis
2)Any forwarded post, Catchy Caption, thumbs up
3) Good Post, caption to glorify God, Positive comment
Good Post, caption to glorify God, Positive comment
Can social network change our daily lives?
Why is it important to be on time to classes and work ?
1) It doesn't really matter
2) It shows respect
3) Its okay to be late once in a while
It shows respect
Watching too much of TV/ internet will affect your eye and concentration. True or false
I am responsible for the consequences of my behavior whenever I'm frustrated
Yes/ No
What are the negative things we should not post?
1. Bad Content
2. Praising God
3. Appreciation
Bad Content
You should not “friend” people or accept “followers” you do not know.
True or false
Should you comment hurtful things on your friends post?
Who uses social networking more?
Kids, Teens, Adults, Grandparents