This faction from Tarkir is known for its famous rhino
Abzan Houses
In this life-ruining game, you can play as a hat, iron, dog, and more
This mushroom-wielding fiend is a widely hated character from League of Legends
This kind of person is a fan of the popular YouTube channel "Alpharad Plus"
This sound is made by Harry when not excited about something other people are excited about
Costing 3, this card is probably the best one in the core Dominion box
This famous board game features memorable characters such as Father Rheinhardt and Madame Zostra
Betrayal at House on the Hill
As of the 9th of July 2020 when this question was written, this character is the latest DLC to be added to Super Smash Bros Ultimate
This song was snuck into the end of Seth Everman's video "how to create billie eilish's "bad guy""
We are Number One
An individual might take this when attacked by a Consulate Dreadnought
The seven
First printed in Scars of Mirrodin, this common instant spell gives a creature -4/-4 until end of turn
Grasp of Darkness
This expensive project in Terraforming Mars produces 7 heat per production phase
In Age of Empires II, this cheat code spawns an AC Shelby Cobra
how do you turn this on
Major "Major Duncan" Duncan of Friends Without Benefits fame is like this common form of shopping
This item was stolen while we were busy playing Jeopardy!
Bobby's bike
In the card game Keyforge, this resource is used to forge the titular keys in order to win the game
Doctor Aphra is way too powerful in this otherwise excellent game
Star Wars: Outer Rim
Released in late 2001, this video game had to change its marketing materials due to some unfortunate similarities to a real life event in September of that year
Red Alert 2
This gang was founded in VR Chat by Jacob Rabon IV
Ernie Gang
In Sid Meier's Civilisation VI, this religion is the One True Faith
Any of these characters is a current Great Clan Champion in the Legend of the Five Rings LCG
Hida Kisada, Doji Hotaru, Togashi Yokuni, Akodo Toturi, Shiba Tsukune, Bayushi Shoju, Shinjo Altansarnai
Disqualification for saying Matsu Tsuko or Doji Kuwanan
In Scrabble, this 15-letter anti-inflammatory medication is the highest theoretically possible scoring word, using three triple word score spaces to total 1778 points
According to Kazuhira Miller, this may be why we're still here
Just to suffer
In one of the internet's oldest memes, this character famously claims that "all your base are belong to us"
I want to get off of it
Mr Bones' Wild Ride