There dog is really cute!
Their dog is really cute! (CHANGE THERE TO THEIR)
What does FANBOYS stand for?
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What is the correct transition (Conjuctive adverb) to use in this sentence?
however, instead, rather
I had a huge meal; ------, I am already hungry again.
when do you use a fanboy
to connect two independent clauses and after a comma
The sentence is: I am going too the zoo this weekend.
I am going TO the zoo this weekend.
She must have been very hungry, () she ate everything immediately.
What is the correct transition (Conjuctive adverb) to use in this sentence?
rather , therefore, instead
He received good grades this semester; -----, his mother congratulated him with a hug.
When do you use a semicolon?
to connect two independent clauses.
Your going to have to finish the test before you can play a game on the computer.
YOU'RE (YOU ARE) going to have to finish the test before you can play a game on the computer.
Projects can be really exciting, ()they may require a lot of hard work.
Where does the colon go?
I played three sports kn high school basketball, soccer, and cross-country.
I played three sports kn high school: basketball, soccer, and cross-country.
when do you use colons, there are three functions.
after an independent clause you can name a list, a noun, or a quote
She was reluctant to seed/cede any of her toys to her siblings.
where do the commas go (there are two)? and why?
Miguel who is Santiago’s brother likes Pokemon.
Miguel, who is Santiago’s brother, likes Pokemon.
Where do you place the colon?
I have two hobbies reading and running.
I have two hobbies: reading and running.
We drove through/threw Oregon to get to California
Where does the comma go and why?
Yesterday I woke up at 9am. After I decided to go on a run. When
Yesterday I woke up at 9am. After, I decided to go on a run. When
Do we use a semicolon or colon? and why?
Thomas ate spaghetti () he loves it.
semicolon ;
because there are two independent clauses.