What is the name of Natsu’s blue cat sidekick in Fairy Tail
What is Happy
What is Luigi’s last name
What is Mario
Who is Luke Skywalkers father
Who is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Who sang Gangnam Style
Who is Psy
What are frogs
What are fish
What was Goku’s weakpoint as a child
What was his tail
What was the Minecraft Creeper originally
What is a deformed pig model
What is the name of the icy planet in Star Wars Episode V
What is Hoth
In 2017 This Vrchat avatar went around lobby’s saying “do u know de wae”
Who is Ugandan Knuckes
In one of Gold’s videos Civilian’s house is blown up, What was Civilian’s house modeled after
What is a shark
What is the name of Mina Ashido’s quirk in My Hero Academia
What is Acid
Who is the creator of Garry’s Mod
Who is Garry Newman
What is the name of the mandolorian forged lightsaber
What is the Darksaber
Who made this famous vine
Who is King Bach
What is Civilian’s real first name
What is Zack
What is the English name of Tiziano’s stand in pet 5
What is Talking Mouth
What year was Dead Island 2 first announced
What is 2014
According to the prequel trilogy what gives people the ability to use the force
What are Midi-Chlorians
What is the name of the YouTube channel that popularized Slenderman
What is Marble Hornets
What cringeworthy fandom was Civilian a part of in his youth
What is My Little Pony/Brony
What did the Elric brothers find the recipe for the philosophers stone in
What is a cookbook
What game chronologically comes second in the Zelda timeline
What is The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
How old was Mark Hamil at the beginning of Episode IV
What is 25
What is Grumpy Cat’s real name
What is Tarder Sauce
What grade did Civilian drop out in
What is the fourth grade