Pegah famously visited which client in a 24-hour round trip to San Diego and who accompanied her?
TUPSS & Brian Leveque
Who is Pegah's celebrity crush
Harry Styles
Who is Pegah's mentor?
Megan "7" Killeen
What was pegahahaha's insta profile icon until last week?
Lisa Simpson
Pegah famously is: __________
A) Boo Boo the fool
B) a Clown
C) DI Queen
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
D) All of the above
Pegah famously left the office at 4:30-5:30 in her early Yext days. Why?
to catch the bus!
Pegah and her mentor famously used to complete this type of puzzle.
What app can Pegah spend hours on?
Tik Tok
What is the slogan for Pegah's future (and past) school?
Go Big Red!
Z__ W__ M___!
Zoo Wee Mama!
When is Pegah's birthday?
Sept 12th (1997 for brownie points)
Which client was Pegah's very first implementation?
Guitar Center
If Pegah could kill off one ETL which one would it be?
Pizza Hut (will also accept UVM)
Pegah famously went to the same high school as which Yext C-suite Exec?
Mr. Howard Lerman
Pegah famously sent daily _____ to her fellow TPM new hires.
Caption this:
"i do not see"
We will accept other variations.
Describe in detail the 3 different locations of Pegah's desk.
- outside of Hup's office
- next to the design Pod, between Megan and Emily
- facing the window next to the coat hanger
Caption the "button" in this meme if the first line is: *Me given a hard question on the PMAT*
Pegah will approve or reject your answer.
What was Pegah's coveted role at Retro?
PIN interpreter
Alcohol is:________
Name a common Pegah sweetgreen order.
FISH TACO? idk we'll let Pegah determine if your answer is correct
What type of car does Pegah drive?
What will Pegah be studying at Cornell?
She's getting her PhD in Information Science!
i trust:______