What is God’s name?
Cual es le nombre de Dios?
Psalm 83:18
Psalm 100:3
Is. 42:8
What is Jehovah’s invitation?
A que nos invita Jehova?
to draw close to him
Acercarnos a el
What is God son’s name?
Cuál es el nombre del hijo de Dios?
What site can we share with others to learn about Jehova?
que sitio podemos compartir con otras personas para aprender de Jehova?
What does the Bible foretell about our Day?
Que dice la biblia de nuestros días?
Mat. 24:7,8
Mat. 24:11,12
Mark 13:7
Luke 21:11
2 Timothy 3:1-5
How did Jehovah make it possible for us to draw close to him?
Romans 5:8
mateo 20:28
Jehovah arranged for Jesus “to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many
Who did Jehova send to die for us?
A quien envió Jehova para que muriera por nosotros?
Su hijo, Jesus
The story of Jonah, teaches us what lesson?
La historia de Jonas, nos enseña que lección?
Courage and mercy
Valentía y compasion
Where can we find the new stories the governing body provides for us?Donde podemos encontrar las noticias mas recientes de El cuerpo gobernante?
JW News.
Is the Bible scientifically accuarate?
Es la biblia científicamente exacta?
Job 26:7
Is. 40:22
4 attributes of Jehovah
4 atributos de Jehova
Love, Justice, wisdom, peace
Amor, Justicia, sabiduría, paz
What is the greatest gift from God?
Cual es el mayor regalo de Dios?
The ransom
El rescate
Walk by __, not by ___
Andamos por__, No Por __
Faith, sight
Fe, Vista
When did we receive the revised edition, Spanish bible, where and who was the speaker?
July 2019 - Spain with brother Loach.
Why do we suffer?
Porque sufrimos?
Ec. 9:11
Rom. 5:12
1 John 3:8
1 John 5:19
What activity on our part will bring us close to Jehovah?
Que actividad nos acercara a Jehova?
Preaching and stuff
What did Jesus ask for us to do in remembrance of him?
Que nos pidió Jesus que hiciéramos en memoria de el?
Commemorate the anniversary of his death.
conmemorar el aniversario de su muerte
Hope for what we do not see”
What tragic events did the brother face and how did he cope
Death of dad,son. Lost job and diagnosed with cancer. Etc.
How many members are in the governing body according to January 2019 Watchtower?
De acuerdo a lo que dijo la Atalaya de Enero de 2019, cuantos miembros hay en el cuerpo gobernante?
How can we draw close to god?
Como podemos acercarnos a Dios?
Jn 17:3
James 4:8
1 Juan 5:3
What does Jehovah expect of those who want to be his friends?
¿Qué espera Jehová de quienes desean ser sus amigos?
Salmo 15:1-5
When was the last time you attended the Memorial and when will this take place 2021?
April 7, 2020 Via Zoom and March 27, 2021
These words... must be on your heart”
What helped the family straighten our their situation?
Begin FW with prayer.
Name the members of the Governing Body
nombre al cuepro gobernante
K. E. Cook, Jr.; S. F. Herd; G. W. Jackson; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; A. Morris III; D. M. Sanderson; D. H. Splane