Bible Knowledge
Journey to The Pass
Organizational Accomplishm ents
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The bible verse that says,  “ Better is a dish of vegetables where there is  love, than a fattened bull where there is hatred.”

Proverbs 15:17 

Better for you to have knowledge of Jehovah and gain life eternal than to have the splendid knowledge of the world and lose your soul 😉🙂. Look into it....its deep huh.?


The approach that CT Russel and his associates took in order to learn what the bible really teaches

They would meet together as a group and discuss topics pertaining to Jesus, Jehovah and the condition of the dead. Someone would raise their hand and ask a question 


The native language that Jehovah added to the JW language family that shocked some, but peaked the interest of many 

Patois (Jamaican Creole) 

Dats rite. Jehovah people dem nuh dunks at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The year in which the organization, based on circumstances, will open its doors for physical contact with people pertaining to field service and/ or meetings


Someone has been following up on current events 😉😊😁


He plotted murder and committed adultery. However, his sincere repentance didn't go unnoticed by Jehovah and his story is recorded for us in the bible as a wonderful example that no matter how many bad things we do as long as we show Jehovah that we are truly sorry then  we can continue to be his friend.


David may be some of our brother's favourite bible person🥁👏😁


The bible verse that tells us to draw close to Jehovah and he will draw close to us.

James 4:8 

Someone has been reading their bible 😊


The name given to overseers back then


  😊 hey, you are a real smarty pants for Jehovah


The year in which the Bible Students received their new name, Jehovah's Witnesses


🙂👍 You are correct my friend, keep the knowledge rolling.


The country who is currently the King of the North


😏 Someone has been paying attention to the Watchtower study. Great job!!!


He was stripped of his material possessions and was told by someone very dear to him to forget about Jehovah


You are correct! I hope that you are strengthening your faith little by little like Job 😉


The five scriptures in the Greek portion of the bible that have the recording of Jehovah showing approval of Jesus as His Son

Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, 2 Peter 1:17, Matthew 17:5 and Luke 3:22

It's ok guys, we can't know everything all the time 😉


The year in which Bible Students misconstrued as being the end and their going to heaven




The year in which the final concise version of the “What Does The Bible Really Teach” book published


 🤗No worries we all have to research sometimes 


How much money did the court unfairly fine our brother, Yevgeniy Spirin? 

US $ 6920(500000 rubles) 😧🥺😔


His mother died while giving birth to his younger brother. His older brothers envied him and sold him into slavery. He was wrongfully charged and imprisoned for many years. Despite his challenges , as a young man he stood up for what is right and placed deep rooted faith in Jehovah.


😁😊 You are most correct.Joseph is such a fine example for youths to imitate 


The bible verse that says, “.......You alone are the Most High Over All the earth ”

Psalms 83:18 

That was an easy one 😊


The year in which the identity of the great crowd became clear


How did you know ? Your bible study really pays off. We have stupendously grown in knowledge as Jehovah's people. High Fives 🙋🏾‍♂️🤗😉😁


The former name of the life and ministry meeting workbook

Kingdom Ministry 🤗🤗🤗🤗

All the mature ones know


Give the name of the three parts of the Life and Ministry Meeting 

Treasures from Gods Word, Apply Yourself To The Field Ministry and Living As Christians 

A wah mek unnuh one so brite. Brite spaaks.....mine unnuh catch the place a fyah🔥🔥🔥🔥 😁😁😁😁😁😁


In his twelfth year as King, he did the land of false worship. He ensured that nothing interfered with worship to Jehovah


You are correct!! 😏😊 Let us continue to imitate the sterling faith of Josiah


The scripture that describes Josiah's passionate campaign against false religion

2 Chronicles 34

Great Job, You have definitely been doing your personal study of the bible 🤗


The former name of the Awake 

The Golden Age 

🤗🤗🤗 You are correct


The literature that replaced the Theocratic Ministry School book

Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching

🤗 Awesome!!!!


The current pestilence that shows us that Jehovah's Day is fast approaching 

Corona Virus( Covid 19)


She expressed faith in Jehovah and was counted righteous. She protected the men sent by Joshua to spy out the land of Jericho.


Great Job 😊👍 Jehovah really shows favour to those who do things on account of his name
