Those in the dispersion, the scattered believers.
The audience of the letter
"To be or not to be, that is the question."
A serpent
Golden arches
"Money is the root of all evil."
Not in the Bible
"Money is the root of all kinds of evil"
James' family standing.
The brother of Jesus
"Four score and seven years ago"
Baalam's _______ speaks.
A mythical mermaid
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!"
Yes, In the Bible.
John 16:33
Faith without _____ is dead.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
The animal Aaron's staff becomes in front of Pharoh
A serpent/snake
A girl with pigtails
This too shall pass
Not in the Bible
"It shall come to pass."
The two things James compares the tongue to
Horse bridle & ship rudder
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
Muhammad Ali
The first animal to leave the ark.
A raven.
A fruit with a bite taken from it
"God will not give you more than you can handle."
Perseverance through suffering
Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
The animals that Jesus sends demons into.
Herd of pigs.
A rainbow peacock
"Love the sinner, hate the sin."
Not in the Bible.
Psalm 97:10 - You who love the Lord, hate evil!
He protects the lives of His godly ones;
He rescues them from the power of the wicked.