Creator of these lame Jeopardy questions eating a delicious "home cooked" meal from the 1980s.
What is Tor Swanson's TV Dinners?
By the 4th Century A.D., Rome had 28 public ones stacked with rolls of papyrus.
What are libraries? (original response: "What are toilets?")
Mesa Core Iron's fearless leader chanting at a football game.
What is Blake Dy Fence?
If you like short workdays, just sitting on this critter for 8 seconds can gain you fame with the PBR.
What is a bull? (original response: "What is a caterpillar?")
This was a Prime year for Amazon, launching it's flagship membership product with unlimited two-day shipping.
What is 2005?
Cardinal master drinking the "Champagne of Beers"
What is Adam Miller Genuine Draft?
It made zoological news in 2008 when Asian mouse deer were seen escaping predators by this means of locomotion.
What is swimming? (original response: "What is a train?")
In this year, AWS was born.
What is 2002?
Missing OFA Messages vanquisher traveling through the heavens as Ursa Minor.
What is Jonathan Little Dipper?
This condiment is made from mustard seeds.
What is mustard? (original response on SNL Jeopardy: "The answer, of course, is onions. I’ll take “Condiments” for $800, thank you..")
Alexa, what is your birth year? It is the year the Echo was launched.
What is 2014?
CAS master amazon alias and rarest of blood types
What is planet ab negative?
100+ assists in an NHL season has only been accomplished only 13 times, 11 times by this player.
Who is Wayne Gretzky? (original response: "Who is Magic Johnson?")
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the year an Amazon drone delivered the first package in the UK.
What is 2016?