This king served Jehovah and lived in Jerusalem
Who is hezekiah
This Bible character helped some spies
who is rahab
Jehovah—- when you watch bad movies
What is hate
Lot and his daughters fled to—
What is a cave
Satan made himself look like this animal so that he could trick eve
What is a snake
This king served Jehovah and would not represent bale
Who is Josiah
This Bible character served Jehovah and was married to one of the kings
Who is ester
Jehovah — when you are helping
What is Love
The Egyptians fled to —-
What is the sea
A angel made one of these animals talk
What is a donkey
This king did not serve Jehovah and was in one of our conventions movies
Who is Sanacorib
This Bible character built an ark
Who is Noah
Jehovah— when you are not nice
What is hate
This person had to deliver a message and had to go to tarshish
who is Jonah
Sampson killed this animal
What is a lion
This king was a son of this king
Who is Josiah’s father
This Bible character she was the husband of david
Who is abagial
Jehovah—- when you pay attention
What is love
Moses and his family had to—- to get across the red sea
They had to trust in Jehovah
In my book of bible stories Jesus rode this animal
What is a donkey
This king was evil
Who is nebukanezer
This Bible character was thrown into a well
Who is Joseph
Jehovah—- when you are kind
What is Love
Abraham lived in this city
What is ur
In my book of bible stories the story beautiful garden which kind of animals are there
What is kangaroo,gooses,horses,sheep or lambs,