What is the name of the test that helps colleges decide whether or not to let you in?
Generally speaking, if you go to college, you will make more money in your job over the course of your life. True or false?
What is the type of financial aid that you can get for having good grades or a specific skill or talent?
Working hard in school is one way you can prepare for college even if you are still in middle school. True or false?
What is the number that represents the average of all of your grades in high school?
Name one step you have to take to get a career.
Go to college or trade school, learn about different careers, apply/interview for jobs, etc.
What is the kind of financial aid that you have to pay back?
Name two types of people who can help you prepare for college and a career.
Parents, high school counselor, college admissions counselor, teachers, friends, older siblings, mentors, etc.
What year in high school do you apply for college?
Senior year (Twelfth grade)
What are two things you should think about when deciding what career would be good for you?
What you are good at, what you like to do, the amount of education you will need, the amount of money you will make, etc.
What is the name of the scholarship that you can get from the Kentucky government based on your grades and ACT score?
KEES money
What is the term for someone who is the first person in their family to go to college?
First-generation college student
Name two things that you should consider when you are trying to decide if you want to go to a certain college.
Distance from home, size, majors offered, cost of tuition, extracurricular activities available, etc.
What is one way you can you learn more about careers that interest you?
Talk to someone who has that career, job shadow, get a job in a related field, etc.
What is the type of financial aid you can get if you have financial need (your parents do not make enough money to pay for your education)?
Writing is an important skill at all levels of school. What are some ways you can improve your writing?
Read more, practice writing, ask for help, make outlines, etc.
What is one way that you can learn more about a college that you think you might want to go to?
Go on a college tour, look it up online, talk to a current student, etc.
Name one career and an interest and aptitude that might go along with it.
Example answer:
Interest—Helping sick people
Name two ways that you can get financial aid or places that you can look for financial aid.
Fill out the FAFSA, apply for scholarships from colleges, apply for scholarships from community organizations, talk to your counselor, etc.
Name three things you can do now no matter what grade you are in to help prepare you for college and/or a career.
Work hard in school, do community service, get involved in a club or sport, talk to your counselor, take challenging classes, etc.