The other god who leaves Asgard to go with Thor to the land of the Giants
Who is Loki?
The CASTLE/COURT of the giants
What is Utgard?
Loki's special talent
What is eating really fast?
Loki's actual opponent
The name of Loki's opponent for his test
Who is Logi?
The son and daughter of the human family whom Thor and Loki meet on their way to the land of the giants.
Who are Thialfi and Roskva?
The trio's accidental sleeping place on their way to the land of the giants
What is the giant's (Skyrmir) glove/mittent?
Thialfi's special skill
What is running fast?
Thialfi's actual opponent
What is Thought?
The name of Thialfi's opponent for his test
Who is Hugi?
The magical aspect of Thor's two goats.
How do Thor's two goats die and live again the next day?
This keeps the trio awake on their first night on the road
What is the giant's (Skrymir) snoring?
Thor's first skill to be tested
What is Thor's ability to drink?
Thor's real accomplishment with the drinking horn
What is Thor drinking the ocean?
Thor's SECOND opponent
Who is the cat?
The names of Thor's two goats
Who are Snarler and Grinder?
The giant (Skrymir) trick to starve the travelers
What is the giant tying up the provisions in his bag?
Thor's second skill to be tested
What is Thor's strength?
Thor's real accomplishment in lifting one of the cat's feet off the ground
What is Thor moving Jormundgander?
Thor's THIRD opponent
Who is the old nurse/woman?
The way to permanently damage one of Thor's magic goats.
What is eating the bone marrow of the goat?
Thor's action to quiet the giant
What is Thor smashing the giant's head with Mjollnir?
Thor's final skill to be tested
What is Thor's immortality?
Thor's actual accomplishment in the wrestling stalemate with the old nurse
What is Thor resisting old age?
Thialfi's opponent's name sounds like another character/animal we've met in the mythology
Who is Odin's raven, Huginn, whose name means "thought"?