true or false google sheets have a print button
your friend tells you that you are not invited to their birthday party after you see he or she giving out invitations to others
what is being mean
you put everything you want to bring on vacation into this object
a suitcase
many people have different methods to breath deeply or count to ten
what is dealing with anger
am going on vavtion
what is the help tab
how can you be a good friend
a be nice
b respectful
c kind
you need this form of indendifation to leave one country to enter another
remember to think rationally and weight the importance of the situatin before reacting
what is dealing with fear
can i have some
what is the format button
your best friend asks you to hang out with her but you already have plans what do you do
make plans another day
you need to buy and bring this to get onto a plane or train boat atc
a ticket
accept the pain and being kind to yourself about experiencing the emotion
what is dealing with grief
there are blank flowers in the garden
what is the tool tab
how should you be a good friend
what is respect
the name for the types of things shampoo soap etc you bring to wash your body while on vacation
accept the emotion for what it is and remind yourself that you derserve to feel this way
what is dealing with joy
i can blank very easily
get angry
how should you share your work with other people
what is the share button
is it ok to have more than one friend
if you wantvto buy something you need to make sure you have thid it is different depending on what country you are in
think possitive and relax with deep breathing or medation
what is dealing with stress
mary sam kim are my sisters how many sisters do i have