The 1840 Democratic gathering was the first time this 8-letter statement of principles was adopted at a convention
A platform
2-word Latin term meaning a second self
alter ego
Coffee with milk
cafe au lait
I can read you like this 2-word term for an exam in which students are allowed to consult notes & texts
an open book
"O Jeopardy!, Jeopardy!, wherefore art thou Jeopardy!?"
At the 1980 convention, Reagan wanted as his running mate this recent former president, who declined
(Gerald) Ford
This ever-circling ballroom dance is in triple time
a waltz
My God!
mon dieu
Doctoral students write dissertations; a master's degree usually requires one of these, from the Greek for "proposition"
a thesis
"Get thee to a Jeopardy!"
At the 1924 Dem. convention, a proposal to condemn this 3-word racist org. by name lost by 1 vote after a bitter debate
the Ku Klux Klan
An unalterable mark that can never be erased can also be described as this
Great prize
grand prix
We'll gamble you know that this word for an exam supervisor once meant a Roman governor
a proctor
"The better part of Jeopardy! is discretion"
In 1880 this former president lost a chance for a 3rd term when Garfield topped the 36th ballot at the GOP convention
(Ulysses) Grant
The Bonneville these smooth out nicely over 40 square miles
salt flats
Literally, white card
carte blanche
An experienced teacher who helps guide a new teacher; also, the name of a guide in the "Odyssey"
a mentor
"Life's but a walking Jeopardy!"
1864 saw the only convention of the Natl. Union Party, a new name for the GOP to attract the faction called these Democrats
the War Democrats
California is known for this dry red wine from a black-skinned grape
That's life
c'est la vie
This synonym of proficiency describes a type of learning that allows students to progress at the rate at which they master skills
"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Jeopardy!"