Paraphrase the qualities of an effective counselor.
Respect for Airmen
Self- Awareness
Cultural Awareness
What are the 4 stages of counseling?
1. Opening the Counseling Session
2. Discuss the issues
3. Develop a plan of action
4. Record and Close the session
Which leadership styles are considered to be transformational?
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Motivation
Idealized Influence
Individual Consideration
What are the space capabilities?
-Satellite Communication (SATCOM)
-Missile Warning (MW)
-Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR)
-Environmental Monitoring (EM)
-Offensive Space Control (OCS)
-Defensive Space Control (DSC)
-Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
What are US rights and obligations in space?
Address growing challenges
Strengthen safety, stability, and security in space
Maintain & enhance the strategic national security advantages afforded to the US by space
Energize the space industrial base that supports US national security
Train & equip service members to deter and win a war in space
Sacred promise
What is a directive counseling approach and when should it be used?
Useful when time is short
Counselor directs a course of action for the counselee
Best for simple problems, on the spot corrections
Counselor centered
When Counselee has limited problem solving skills, maturity, etc.
Describe the four stages of the counseling process.
2. Discuss the issues; site specific problems, tell them why they are there.
3. Develop a POA; either you come up w/ the POA, they do, or both
4. Record & close the session: even if it's verbal write it down unless using an administrative piece of paperwork
How are levels of leadership a factor in which leadership style you choose to use?
The level of leadership you are on determines the ease in using a leadership style that focuses on individualized consideration. Does not mean you will not.
What do the space capabilities do for the US?
Fuel both our American way of life & the American way of war.
Significantly sharpen our nation's global vigilance, global reach, and global power.
What are the vulnerabilities of space assets?
Vulnerable to cyber & kinetic attacks
Satellites are large, blind, hard to maneuver, and extremely predictable; makes them easy targets for electromagnetic, cyber, or kinetic (direct ascent or orbital) attacks.
What is a non-directive counseling approach and when should it be used?
Preferred for most counseling sessions
Counselor's rile is to listen and clarify
Takes more time than directive
Counselee is encouraged to take an active role in finding solutions
True of False. The Full Range Leadership model is a graph or continuum of bad leadership styles to good leadership styles.
It is not a continuum or graph. They are all bad and good in their own way.
Recall the characteristics of the Space Domain.
Is a congested, and contested, competitive, and operationally limited environment, requiring the utmost skills & discipline from our space operators to ensure the nation's uninterrupted access to space.
What are the threats to US access to space?
Any interference with or attack upon critical components of space structure that directly affects vital US interest
What are the 4 major war fighting functions?
Orbital warfare
Space Electronic Warfare
Space Battle Management
Space Access & Sustainment
It is a non-directive counseling approach.
What is the difference between transformational and transnational?
Transactional-good for short term effects, less impact, less time as a leader
Transformational: good for long term and deeper impact, take a lot more time as a leader, good for the long term of the organization. Focuses on individual needs and growth.
What are the areas of the Space Domain?
Orbital Warfare
Space Electronic Warfare
Space Battle Management
Space Access & Sustainment
What is the 1967 Outer Space Treaty? (Hint: Involved 109 countries)
Established space as a collaborative environment
Prohibited the use of weapons from orbit
Prohibited claiming objects
Opens channels for nations to express concerns of potentially harmful interference by other nations
Generalize space strategy, policy, and law.
Strategy: is a plan of action & is easily modified to accommodate dynamic situations.
Policy: is a set of common rules & regulations which form a base for day-to-day decisions & establishes the principle of an action.
Law: a rule in which regulates actions & may be enforced by penalties.
Space strategy: how we as a nation will address the growing challenges within the space domain
What is a combined counseling approach and when should it be used?
Combination of directive and non-directive
Cooperation/responsibility w/ both parties
Counselor helps counselee develop a plan of action; both putting in input
Counselor should listen
What leadership styles fall are considered Transactional Leadership Styles?
Management by Exception- Passive
Management by Exception- Active
Contingent Award
Why is space vital to national interests?
-National security is the envy of the world
-Nothing we do as a joint force that is not enabled by space capabilities.
-Allows us to mass and concentrate fires while reducing collateral damage, network, and C2
-Synchronized widely dispersed and dis-aggregated forces
- Extend operational reach
-Compressing the time it takes to deliver decisive combat effects on a global scale.
What was the result of the Iridium-Cosmos collision (2019)?
Command developed a program called Space Situational Awareness Sharing- give info to program partners on locations & positions.
What are the 3 objectives to space strategy?
1. Strengthen safety, stability, & security in space
2. Maintain & enhance the strategic national security advantages afforded to the US by space
3. Energize the space industrial base that supports US national security