When was ServiceNow founded?
Have an identical twin?
Who is Darius?
I enjoy playing cricket the most and I can speak 5 different languages
Who is Nagesh Bangalore Muralidhar? (25 letters!!!)
From, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, a majority of AIR team disliked this movie franchise the most.
What is Harry Potter?
Majority of the team prefers this method of consuming the books.
What is reading?
How many employees (closest to 1000) do we currently have ?
I write Telugu poetry sometimes.
Who is Kishore?
Manchester United is my favorite sports team.
Who is brandon?
When I retire, you would find me in a self sustainable farm whistling with water in my mouth.
Who is Deepak?
I have most commits across all Air Repos.
Who is Nava?
Hooters Restuarant
What physical location does the ServiceNow DemoData refer to?
I can talk about Competitive Programming for hours.
Who is Surender?
I like snowboarding.
Who is Iyac
I love cooking, enjoy public speaking, love bollywood music and I speak 4 languages.
Who is Daryl?
I race bikes - in real life and virtually on an app called Zwift and I like watching EF cycling team
Who is Caitlin Morse?
How many customers did ServiceNow had at end of Q4?
I ran 10 miles, biked 200 miles and hiked 35 miles.
Who is Eric?
I like watching Australia Cricket Team play.
Who is Rohini?
I like to surf and I didn't know how to drive when I moved to California.
Who is Jack?
Rain is my favorite genre of music
Who is Krishna Thota?
How many days ago did Pat Casey start sending daily emails?
I walked the ramp for Levis jeans
Who is Jithin?
I play Lacrosse
I have broken both my wrists at the same time (and 6 bones in a 2 year span). You would most likely find me vacationing in Bali (doesn't matter if covid-19 vaccine is found or not!!)
Who is Adarsh Badran Ramchandran? (23 letters in the name!!!!)
Was suspected to be an illegal arms smuggler by the state troopers at CA-OR border?
Who is Ashwin Patti?