Playing roles on a Netflix show, this man was written by Eric and Bryan to feature in the High School MYP Drama performance "The New Guy", but was replaced by Barney. Nolan was set to play this man. This man is rivalled in his chadness only by John Vida Lanoza.
Joe Gatto
aNgEliCa sLaTeR
This was mentioned in ShahKhanAcademy's Discord status. This was sent by Yakoub multiple times, and no one found it funny. This was blared at earrape volume by Bryan "Throwing My Games" Kwon, denying Shahmeer his ace and the new record of three aces in a day.
Never Gonna Give You Up
Happy official wedding day Steph and TC!!!
Calvin Kamphuis
Eric is too hot
Wesley too small to solve an argument by himself