French Classic Registration
French Classic Composers
French Classic Composers, Cont./Performance Practice
French Classic Forms
French Classic Organs/Performance Practice

This registration typically consists of the 16' montre, 16' bourdon, 8' montre, 8' bourdon, 4' prestant, 2' doublette, and mixtures. On the positiv (often known as the "petit" version), this registration is based on the 8' montre. If pedal is included, it is an 8' trompette.

What is the plein jeu?


This composer, considered by some to be the beginning of the French Classic tradition despite his renaissance harmony, is also considered the "Father of the Plein Jeu."

Who is Titelouze?


This French Classic composer wrote a "Trio en passacaglia" on which Bach based his famous Passacaglia.

Who is Raison?


This form typically has a trompette 8' and prestant 4' as the registration (when all parts are played on the same manual). 

What is a fugue?


This is the chant upon which most French Classic suites are based.

What is Cunctipotens Genitor Deus?

The tierce en taille, where the solo line is in the tenor voice, has this registration for the solo.

What is the jeu de tierce (8', 4', 2 2/3', 2', 1 3/5', 1 1/3')?


These two composers are the most famous composers of the form "quatuor."

Who are Guillan and Marchand?


This composer was known for his greater use of secular dance forms in his two suites.

Who is Clerambault?


Nicolas de Grigny was known for writing his fugues with this many voices. Bonus points if you can name a possible registration.

What is 5 voices?

Bonus: R.H. is trompette 8'

L.H. is grand jeu de tierce

Pedal is 8' Flute

Note: there are other possibilities (except the pedal, which is always the 8' flute)


These are the stops typically included in a French Classic pedal division.

8' Trompette, (sometimes) 4' Clairon, 8' Open Flute


Most recits (including the recit de tierce en taille) have this registration as the accompaniment.

What is the 16' bourdon, 8' montre, 8' bourdon (occasionally 4' flute or prestant), and coupled to the pedal?


This composer is credited with the creation of the recit de tierce en taille.

Who is LeBegue?


These are examples of other composers not mentioned in the previous questions.

Who are Gigault, Michel and Gaspard Corrette, Pierre du Mage, etc.?


This form is an imitative form with two parts in the right hand and one part in the left hand.

What is a trio?


These two treatises, by Dom Bedos and Mersenne, are considered important sources for French Classic Organ Building and Registration practices.

What are "L'art de facteur d'orgue" and "Harmonie Universelle"?


This registration features the reeds and cornets, giving a very colorful registration. 

What is the grand jeu?


This composer is considered the "Father of the French Classic Tradition." His nephew is also an important French Classic Composer and writer of a treatise on the clavichord.

Who are Louis Couperin and Francois Couperin?


These are the three main times when inegale should be avoided in practice.

What are:

1. On repeated notes

2. Over leaps

3. When the tempo is too fast


This form, a type of fugue, is played across three manuals and with pedal.

What is the quatuor?


This extension of the pedal allowed the 8' trompette on the pedal to play below low C, sometimes even down to FF.

What is the ravelement?


This stop (which can be used as a solo or as part of the grand jeu) is a short resonator reed with a very buzzy and nasally character.

What is the cromorne?


This composer, who spent a majority of his time outside of Paris, favored 5-part textures, and is considered the apex of French Classic composition.

Who is Nicolas de Grigny?


This is the note value(s) that typically become eligible for inegale to be applied in both duple and triple meters.

What are the second subdivision of the beat (in duple meter), and the first subdivision of the beat (in triple meters)?


These two solos are, respectively, a solo in the right hand and a solo in the left hand.

What are the recit et dessus and the recit et bassus?


These reeds on the Bales organ are modeled on French Classic reeds built by Thierry, Robert Cliquot, and (especially) Francois Cliquot.

What are the Grand Orgue Trompette 8' and Clairon 4' (which is French Classic because it breaks back the last octave of the keyboard to become an 8' trompette), and the Cromorne 8' on the Positiv?
