Preferred hand sanitizers that should be used when there is the potential of unsupervised use by children
Ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers
Age when face covering are not required.
Under 2 years old
Surfaces such as: Door handles, Light switches, sink handles, bathroom surfaces are considered
Frequently touched surfaces
Recommended space between desks in classrooms
6 feet
Temperature at which individuals will not be allowed on campus
100.4 degrees or higher
Most effective form of preventing spread of COVID
Age when face covering are strongly encouraged
2 years old – 2nd grade
Created in order to avoid both under- and over-use of cleaning products.
Cleaning and disinfecting schedule
Acceptable alternatives for children in a cohort who cannot wear face coverings properly.
face shield
COVID-19 symptoms
Fever o Cough o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing o Chills o Repeated shaking with chills o Fatigue o Muscle pain o Headache o Sore throat o Congestion or runny nose o Nausea or vomiting o Diarrhea o New loss of taste or smell
Close Contact
Within six feet for 15 minutes or more
Age when face covering is required
3rd grade – High School
Setting that should be used when using the air conditioning system
Setting that brings in outside air.
Recommended space for lunch and recess
Time a spaces should be left untouched after COVID exposure
To reduce risk of exposure, wait 24 hours before you clean and disinfect.