The pease porrige was in the pot for ___days.
What is 9?
all the leaves are brown....
what is ...and the sky is grey?
The Four Corners Monument marks the quadripoint in the Southwestern United States where these 4 states meet.
What are the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah ?
It is the only point in the United States shared by four states, leading to the area being named the Four Corners region.
How many calories in an egg
a. 150
b. 80
What is b.80?
What direction do animals migrate to during the Fall?
What is South?
He lived on Drury Lane.
Who is the muffin man?
Sing,sing a song....
What is ... sing out loud, sing out strong?
This is the largest U.S. state .
What is Alaska?
True or False: A half cup of raisins is 100 calories
What is False , it is 220 ?
A female horse is called?
What is a mare?
She was informed that London Bridge was falling down.
Who was My Fair Lady?
Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones....
What is ...Looking for fun and feeling groovy ?
What are the Rocky Mountains?
Which of these chain restaurants has a dish that contains 4620 grams of sodium?
A. Cheesecake Factory
B. Red Lobster
C. Outback
D. Steak ‘N Shake
What is B- langostino Lobster and Shrimp Caprese Pasta ?
When it is Fall in the Northern Hemisphere, it will be ______ in the Southern Hemisphere.
What is Spring?
He had a wife and couldn't keep her.
Who was Peter Peter?
I feel the earth move under my feet....
What is ...I feel the sky tumbling down ?
The 3 of the 5 Smallest U.S. States by Land Area.
What are, Rhode Island (1,045 square miles),Delaware (1,954 square miles), Connecticut (4,845 square miles) and Hawaii (6,423 square miles)?
A can of Coke has the same amount of sugar as this many Hershey Kisses
A. 8
B. 12
C. 16
D. 20
What is C- 16 ?
In this century we started using the word autumn for the season.
What is the late 14th century?
"Autumn," a Latin word, first appears in English in the late 14th century, and gradually gained on "harvest."
In the 17th century, "fall" came into use, almost certainly as a poetic complement to "spring," and it competed with the other terms.
Polly put the kettle on ____ took it off.
Who is Sukey?
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely .....
what is... Sunshine almost always makes me high?
The longest river in North America .
What is The Missouri River ?
(2,341 miles)
This diet says we should eat only what cave man could eat.
What is Paleo?
This country has the most wild horses.
What is Australia?
It has the largest population of feral horses in the world, with in excess of 400,000 feral horses.