The number at the bottom of a fraction.
What is denominator?
The number on the top of a fraction.
What is a numerator?
Numbers between whole numbers with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point that represents part of one whole.
What is decimals?
An approximate number close to the exact amount .
What is estimate?
Fractions that have the same value.
What is equivalent fraction?
When two fractions have the same denominator.
What is common denominator?
One of ten equal parts of a whole; one whole is composed of 10 tenths.
What is Tenths?
Determining an approximate value of a number to a given place value.
What is rounding?
Fractions that are easy to add, subtract, and round with.
What is benchmark fractions?
Fractions with denominators that have different value.
What is unequal denominator?
One of 100 equal parts of a whole; one whole is composed of 100 hundredths.
What is Hundredths?
A number represented as the sum of the product of each digit within a number multiplied by the value of each digit’s place value position.
What is expanded notation?
A whole number and a fraction.
What is a mixed number?
Represents one part of a whole. (Numerator is always one.)
What is unit fraction?
one of 1,000 equal parts of a whole; one whole is composed of 1,000 thousandths.
What is thousandths?
An equation that uses the symbol less than (<), greater than (>) or equal to (=) to compare two quantities.
What is inequality?
A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator.
What is an improper fraction?
A number that represents a part of a whole.
What is fraction?
A dot separating the ones and tenths place in a decimal number, read as “and”.
What is decimal point?
Solve the following: 51.5 + 23.18 =
What is 74.68?