Where is the School Counselor's Office?
Top floor of school
Next to the Health Room
Next to the Teacher's Break Room
Information that 2 people agree will not be shared.
What is Confidential?
For the last 2 days one of your classmates has been mean to a new student at recess.
Check on the new student to see if they are ok
Tell your teacher
Talk to the school counselor
My stomach hurt because I ate too many french fries. I should schedule a time to see the counselor.
I got an A on my History test.
Why would you talk to the school counselor?
Having difficulty at home
at school,
with family and friends,
someone is bullying you
you feel unsafe.
A meeting to help you work on a problem.
A friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused.
Talk to your parents, teacher, school counselor or another trusted adult. These are not the type of secrets to keep to yourself.
Someone in my class has been picking on me for weeks and I am afraid to come to school. I should talk to the counselor.
Everyone should feel safe when they are at school and we can work out a way to resolve this problem.
My new puppy ran away.
What day(s) is the school counselor here?
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Skills that help you handle your emotions, your behavior and your choices when you are stressed.
Coping Skills
I was upset with my brother for breaking by gaming system. When I got to school I just could not focus on my work.
Talk to my teacher
Ask to go see the school counselor
The counselor is able to tell your teacher everything you tell me.
I can only share what you allow me to share unless you are in any danger.
My friends won't talk to me anymore.
How do you get to talk to the counselor individually when you have a problem?
Write me a note and leave it with your teacher
Ask your teacher to send me an email
Let me know at morning carline
What you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something.
You played too much FORTNITE and then forgot to finish an assignment. Should you:
a) Tell your teacher your dog ate it.
b) Copy your classmates assignment
c) Be honest and let your teacher know what happened.
Be honest and let your teacher know what happened.
The remake of Mulan wasn't that great. I should schedule to see the school counselor.
I am being chased by a lion
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
What is talk to the school counselor, go for a walk, keep a diary, talk to a friend, etc.
Something that needs immediate attention
You are having a disagreement with you best friend.
You can talk it out with your friend
ask another adult for help like your teacher or counselor
Being called to the School Counselor's office means you are in trouble.
There are many reasons the counselor may need to talk to you.
I have been trying to do cartwheels for the last 8 weeks and just can't get it.