Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition
Direct Selling in America
The Curse of the Superstar CEO
Corporate Malfeasance and the Myth of Shareholder Value

Prof. Joe Badarocco classifies this entity as a group of individuals working together to serve a broader purpose, the principal is which is to grow returns for the people who run the business. 

What is a corporation?


The type of leadership structure that was successfully utilized by companies in Silicon Valley (regional network) to foster formal and informal exchanges 

What is horizontal information flow (in contrast to Route 128’s vertical flow)?


This word is the “N” in NDSO

What is “network?”


More of a social product than an individual trait for CEOs.  

What is Charisma?


The article by Dobbin and Zorn analyses the shift in corporate values from diversification to what?

What are shareholders?


A person who is seen as talented, extremely hard-working, and successful in business. 

What is a heroic entrepreneur?


These are two things that were bridged by Silicon Valley to make them successful 

What is competition and community/culture? 


Direct Selling Organizations cater to this demographic that is marginalized in typical corporate workspaces.

Who are women?


The powerful construct that this group is better qualified to lead an organization?

What are outsiders? 


Of the three primary actors described by Dobbin and Zorn, this one focused on breaking conglomerates up, arguing that “the parts were greater than the sum of the whole.” (p. 187)

What are Hostile takeover firms? 


This company is responsible for producing chemicals that caused mastitis in cows as well as agent orange, which deforested greenery in Vietnam

What is Monsanto?


This was the main regional advantage that Silicon Valley had in embedding their firms in a social and institutional setting

What is a high social density network?


Network DSOs espouse an ideology that says this noun is more important than work, with the goal of merging sellers’ economic and social lives.

What is family?


The rise of this form of capitalism that made investing a ‘participatory sport’ and gave way for the charismatic CEO.

What is populist capitalism? 


Who reshaped corporate strategy by becoming the “dominant group controlling the flow of money into the stock market,” as it was also in their own best interest to maximize stock prices? (p. 188)

What are institutional investors?


According to Dobbin and Zonn, this is the ultimate corporate goal. 

What is to maximize stock value and and increase shareholder compensation?


This was commonplace for workers changing jobs in Silicon Valley

What is high job mobility?


Direct Selling Organizations deviate from this corporate norm.

What is cooperation between workers? What is no rules? What is no bureaucracy?


The common name for the typical CEO post WW2 and before the charismatic CEO leadership?

What is an organization man? 


This corporate actor “transformed the obsession with stock prices . . . into an obsession with meeting [their] profit projections.” 

What are security analysts? 


Who discussed the importance of not just the the strength of the tie, but also the location? 

What is Ron Burt? 


HP did this as an organization to avoid hierarchical structures. 

What is discussions with employees at all levels of organization?


This historical development made working outside of the home commonplace.

What is industrial capitalism?


One of the biggest downfalls of a charismatic CEO.

What is Blind obedience from followers? What is Counter cultural focus? What is deliberately destabilizing?


Dobbin and Zorn’s article reflects socio-economic phenomena in its analysis of how the power and influence of one group can define _____ of another?

What are interests and/or incentives? 
