This sign keeps the air clean from this horrible, bad habit!
No Smoking
Don't throw those bottles out! Our class does this every week!
Put something on that noggin, to keep it safe!
hard hat area
Don't Go!
This sign shows up when the store clerk shows back up to the store in the morning.
This sign is normally on the ceiling to show where to leave in a building.
This sign is a warning to any unwanted visitors of a furry guardian...waiting...
Beware of Dog
No banana peels necessary! This sign tells you what might be going on with that floor...
Wet Floor
This sign doesn't mean you play the game slower, it means the driver should do this
Slow Children Playing
Don't even think about it! This is my lawn!
No trespassing!
If you gotta go, you gotta go! This sign tells you where to know...
This sign might show people in your home where you might fix a bump, bruise, or cut.
First Aid
1.21 gigawatts! Well, maybe not that much but you still should be careful of the voltage.
Danger Electric Shock
Not this way, not that way, and not the other way
one way
This sign is a way to remind drivers that they are driving slower because of a mini version of themselves on board.
Baby on Board
A sign near school to show drivers that people are crossing.
School Crossing
Just in time for halloween! A skull and crossbones tells us that a chemical can be harmful
Out of order
If you do enter, you might create quite a ruckus
Do Not Enter
Unless you have this sign in your car as well, it is not ok to park here.
Handicapped Parking
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here! This sign comes up when the lights are off and the store clerk goes home.
This one might show where and how to put out a fire.
Fire extinguisher
This sign should only suggest employees do it, but everyone should for at least 20 seconds. Nikita is very good at doing this!
Employees must wash hands
Not following this sign could get Arther to pull you over
Speed Limit
If you park here you will get towed. This sign should warn you...Cooper might need his back up!
No parking