What happens when classroom talk becomes an integral part of writing?
What is students benefit immeasurably?
The definition of a literature circle.
What is a collaborative and student centered reading strategy?
Vocabulary Enricher Role sheet
What is where students pause and add details about vocabulary in the text?
The only academic area that we expect kindergarteners to already have a basic level
What is reading?
this is phonetics
What is the science concerned with the study of speech processes.
This is DWC
What is Discourse and Writing Cycle?
Students taking control of their literacy
What is when students engage in texts and with each other?
This is the Literary Luminary's role.
What is guides oral reading for a purpose and examines figurative language, parts of speech, and vivid descriptions?
Consists of phonology, grammar, morphology, vocabulary, discourse and pragmatics
What is oral language
Speech Processes
What is the production, perception and analysis of sounds?
This is the primary focus
What is writing?
Four Possible Student Jobs
What is Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Literary Luminary, and Checker.
This is the Checker's role.
What is checks for completion of assignments, evaluates participation, and helps monitor discussion for equal participation?
What is the organization or system of sounds within a language?
This is syntax
What is the branch of linguistics that covers grammatical arrangements of words within sentences?
These are opportunities provided by DWC.
What is reading comprehension and vocabulary building strategies that help students as they discuss and write about a rigorous text.
Duties of the Discussion Director
What is creates questions to increase comprehension and asks who what, why, when, where, how, and what if?
This is filled out after reading a book.
What is a Self-reflection worksheet?
Vocabulary (Semantics)
What is the development of expressive and receptive vocabulary?
What is how we actually use speech in communication and how context aids the transmission of meaning in utterances?
This is learning to think.
What is the process of successfully explaining and manipulating increasingly complex texts?
Requirements of the Vocabulary Enricher
What is clarifies word meanings and pronunciations?
This is the size of literature circles
What is groups of 4-6?
What focuses of the smallest units of meaning within a word and how they are formed?
The study of Linguistics
What is phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics?