A minimum of 50 hours.
How many hours does Service-learning require?
A minimum of two.
How many DP courses are required?
No, they can choose standard or higher level.
Should both DP courses be the same level?
“inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people”
What does the IB aim?
When did the CP start?
PPS, Service learning, Reflective project, Language development.
What are the core components?
Direct service, indirect service, advocacy, research.
What are the options for service-learning projects?
“develop and apply academic knowledge, personal skills and social skills in real-life situations”
What do students can do through Service-learning?
A minimum of 90 hours.
How many hours does PPS requiere?
A portfolio, three interviews, reaching the five learning outcomes.
What are the Service-learning requirements?
Topics and sub topics are suggestions only.
How the PPS course is designed?
“...providing information, guidance and administrative support...”
Over 3,000.
How many DP schools are there?
Yes, but not two from
Group 5.
Can students choose any DP course?
To what extend child labor is permitted when the family needs the resources to survive?
What is an example of a Reflective Project research question?
“We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience...”
What means to be Reflective?