Just One!
How many people talk at a time in Success for Life?
Where is SAIL's main office?
What is the name of Mr. Weir's bulldog?
Assistive technology, benefits planning, housing, peer support, transition, health, wellness, and recreation
What are some services offered by SAIL?
Disability Awareness, Self-Advocacy, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Job Skills
What are some topic in Success for Life? What are things we will be learning in Success for Life?
Give out money, drive people places, find you a job.
What are things SAIL doesn't do? We do not GET jobs FOR people.
What is Michigan Rehabilitation Services?
People with disabilities (both visible and invisible).
Who is SAIL run by?
What is an Individualized Education Program?
The home of the Finlandia University
What is Lake Hancock?
What is the best school mascot name ever?
15 (The entire U.P.)
What are the number of counties that SAIL serves?
Mr. Salani
Who is the principal?
The Chocolate Festival
What is SAIL's biggest fundraiser?
What is Superior Alliance for Independent Living?
Autism, speech impairment, visual impairment, ADHD, trouble focusing, depression
What are some examples of disabilities?
What does success mean to you?
What is Success for Life?
Peer mentoring, work based learning, career interest survey, and Success for Life
What are some of the independent living services available through MRS?