Name at least four members of Video Club
Brendan, Shoshanna, Chase, Joel, Hugo
The line that runs through the earth, separating it into Northern and Southern hemispheres is called...
The Equator
True or False - Mr. Caldwell says that if I multiply 90x20, I can just multiply 9x2 and add two zeros.
True! 9x2=18. Add two zeroes - 1,800.
Mr. Caldwell is a genius!
Mrs. Sinnott says, "Their are too many bananas in this world!"
Is "their" correct? If not, what should she use instead?
This person performed at the Old Globe in a musical. She also has children who attend the Lower School
Who is the Head of Hiawassee Middle?
The lines that run North to South (from one pole to another) are called
Lines of Longitude
If I multiply 7x8, the answer is 56. What's another word for the "answer" when you're multiplying numbers?
The product
Its a sad day today. Correct this sentence.
What's wrong with it?
It's a sad day today.
This person competed in a local surf challenge and came in second place!
Coach Santini
A Globe
320x90 is the same as 3200x9.
Yes! 320x90 = 28,800
3200x9= 28,800
Harry Potter went two Hogwarts where he made too friends and met a giant to.
Fix the to/too/two!
Harry Potter went TO Hogwarts where he made TWO friends and met a giant too.
This teacher has been skydiving, and she landed dramatically!
What names do Joel and Shoshanna use when they are texting each other?
JW Piano Man
The imaginary line that separates the earth into the Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere is called...
Double points if you can tell me one country that this line crosses!
Prime Meridian
UK, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina, Faso, Tongo, and Ghana
Multiply 427x54 - What do you get? Show your work on your whiteboard or on a sheet of paper!
During a game of "Poison Dart Frog", they're were three students who didn't have there masks on.
Mr. Cain yelled, "Their not wearing masks!"
Fix the there, their, they're! Double points if you get all three, 150 for each one you get right.
This teacher can solve a Rubik's cube in 1.5 minutes. Let's ask this person to prove it during our next break.
Mr. Caldwell
How old is Mr. Solway?
Name the continents - 500 if you guess at least 5, and 1000 if you guess all 7.
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.
What is the place value of the 6 in 625,347,890?
Hundred Millions
Where are the fourth graders? They have all disappeared, said Mrs. Gray, who was most anxious about the missing students.
"Where are the fourth graders? They have all disappeared," said Mrs. Gray, who was most anxious about the missing students.
This person is having a baby!
Coach Smart