Round 92 to the nearest 10.
Round 418 to the nearest 100.
(6 + 7) + 2 = 6 + (7 + 2)
Associative Property of Addition
What is the halfway number between 30 and 40?
What is the fact family for these three numbers?
3, 4 , 7
3 + 4 = 7
4 + 3 = 7
7 - 4 = 3
7 - 3 = 4
Round 67 to the nearest 10.
Round 734 to the nearest 100.
98 + 0 = 98
Identity Property of Addition (also called the Zero Property of Addition)
What is the halfway number between 70 and 80?
What is the fact family for these three numbers?
6, 11, 5
5 + 6 = 11
6 + 5 = 11
11 - 5 = 6
11 - 6 = 5
Round 341 to the nearest 10.
Round 655 to the nearest 100.
6 + (5 + 8 ) = (6 + 5) + 8
Associative Property of Addition
What is the halfway number between 800 and 900?
What is the fact family for these three numbers?
14, 9, 5
5 + 9 = 14
9 + 5 = 14
14 - 9 = 5
14 - 5 = 9
Round 978 to the nearest 10.
Round 1, 772 to the nearest 100.
1, 800
4 + 3 = 3 + 4
Commutative Property of Addition
What is the halfway number between 1, 000 and 2,000?
1, 500
What is the fact family for these three numbers?
20, 50, 30
20 + 30 = 50
30 + 20 = 50
50 - 20 = 30
50 - 30 = 20
Round 3, 112 to the nearest 10.
3, 110
Round 4,831 to the nearest 100.
4, 800
1, 208 + 45 = 45 + 1, 208
Commutative Property of Addition
What is the halfway number between
9,000 and 10, 000?
9, 500
What is the fact family for these three numbers?
500, 100, 400,
400 + 100 = 500
100 + 400 = 500
500 - 100 = 400
500 - 400 = 100