The King used a chamber pot called?
A maehwateul 매화틀
In 1799 who was the french Military leader that took over the French government
Shrine which holds the memorial for Confucius.
•Daeseongjeon (대성전)
What kind of school is seodang
Private village school
What is the name of Korea’s primary Confucian shrine?
What did the king do in gangnyoungjeon
Ate and slept
What did Napoleon do?
Napoleon brought peace and stability back to France. He also rewrote the old French feudal laws, creating a new Napoleonic Code of laws that were much clearer
What are Dongmu (동무) and Seomu (서무)?
Shrines which hold the memorial for
Confucius’ 10 students, and 18 Korean scholars.
What kind of school is hanggyo
Provincial schools run by the government
In the ritual, ancient music called -------- is played.
Munmyo Jeryeak
What does the kings mainly study?
The king spent his time studying the political history of Joseon and China
Which revolution inspired the French Revolution.
The American revolution
What were Jongyeonggak and Bicheondang used for?
Library and Examination building
What are the texts used in seodang and hanggyo
Thousand Character Classic and Three books and five classics
Name of a ritual that is held twice a year? when is it held and what does it symbolize
A ritual called Munmyo Jerye is held there
each year in the spring (April) and autumn
(September) representing the birth and death of Confucius
Korean culture is mainly influenced by ------ and -----
Its geographical location and China
On July 14, 1789 an angry crowd stormed to -------and why
Bastille,a royal prison because many of the king’s weapons were stored in the Bastille
What were the names of the two dormitories and the dining room?
Dongjae (동재) and Seojae and Jinsasikdang
What is the name of the civil servant examination and what does it check
The civil service examinations, gwa-geo,
checked students’ ability in understanding the
Chinese classics.
What weakened the strength of the catholic church in Europe
The Reformation and the Scientific Revolution
Myeonbok 면복 Jobok 조복 Gunbok 군복
Myeonbok is worn by a king and the others by royal officials
During the time of King Louis XVI who were parts of the states general assembly ?
The first consisted of church leaders, the second was made up of the nobles, and the third estate consisted of commoners.
What is the name of the administration building Administration building
what are the four steps of the civil servant examination
Seodang hanggyo => first civil examination => Seonggyeongwan =>High ranking officer
What is the one thing that declined and another thing that began for the growing of Nationalism
The decline of feudalism and the beginning of the Renaissance