This does not belong on pizza
How many days are there until Halloween?
"Hurricane Katrina? More like__________!"
Hurricane Tortilla
What is the name of the new Art teacher?
Who are the female, set of twins most commonly know from tiktok, who do gymnastics, and acrobatics?
The Rybka Twins
"...But as it turns out, that might be what you get."
Burger King Foot Lettuce.
What country celebrates the "day of the dead?"
"AHHHH, he could've dropped his_______."
Who are the pace teachers? What subject do they teach, and name?
Pace Math- Mr.Karthas
Pace ELA- Mrs.Yeaton
True or False;
Identical Twins can communicate telepathically.
"Somebody touch'n my______?!"
The spider had eight legs, and eight what?
"I spilled lipstick in your_________."
Valentino bag
What are the fall sports?
Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Field Hockey- two teams, Boys & Girls Cross Country.
True or False;
Twins are always born on the same day.
Three of the most popular memes from 2017
Hot dog Snapchat filter, What in Tarnation Meme, Elf on The shelf, Redbone Remix, Distracted Boyfriend
What famous magician died on Halloween, in 1926?
Harry Houdini
The Worst Fandom to Exist.
What grades have their lockers in pods?
What is the other name for twins? A)Monozygotic Twins B) Dizygotic Twins C) Siamese Twins
Dizygotic Twins.
Overused memes, consisting of three different frogs, two different cats, and one dog.
Kermit, Pepe the Frog, Dat Boi, Nyan Cat, Grumpy cat, and Doge.
The first jack o' lantern was carved from what vegetable?
An example of this meme is "Stop being awkward and connect with another human being."
Connect Four.
How many math teachers are there?
Rarest type of twins?
Siamese Twins.