What is Miko’s favorite work snack?
Who is Ineke’s favorite actor?
Richard Gere
What are Verlee’s favorite activities during summer and winter holidays?
Skiing in Winter, Hiking in Summer
How many years has Ineke been working at CHEP?
Which 3 things Nicole fears the most?
Insects, nothing to wear in the closet, being 40!
What is Verlee’s favorite apéro?
What is Maria’s all-time favorite TV-Show?
What does Tim in his free time?
Furniture in wood
What country Aga would like to move to if she had to?
How many kids does Anna have and how old are they? A hint - two questions, but one answer :)
What is the worst drink Martina has ever had?
Tongba – “hot beer” - a millet-based alcoholic beverage from Nepali mountains
What sport Nicole follows on TV?
WWF Wrestling
What instrument can Aga play?
What did Matthias do for a living during his university years?
Work as a cook
What instrument did Matthias play in the former German rock band “Nezzer”?
The drums
What’s the color of Maria’s horse and name?
Black named Chico
What was Robert's favourit singing group when he was young?
"the kelly family"
What is Anna's favourite outdoor activity?
Hiking in the mountains
What was Kim's childhood dream job?
F16 pilot
What is Robert's full name?
Robert Maximilian Henrick Thorn von Waldthausen geb. Mummert at Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
Who has 1dog, 2 cats, 3 chickens and tree monkey in house?
Who is Aga’s favorite actor?
Colin Firth
What are two Martina’s favorite relaxation activities?
Gardening and baking
What jobs did Guido during his two year traveling around the world trip?
Dishwashing in USA, Tobacco planting in Canada, wine harvesting in Australia
How much German is Guido according to his DNA test?
0% German and 53% English