Special transportation, counseling, speech, physical or occupational therapy required to meet a student's IEP goals are examples of:
What are related services?
Luke has a learning disability and was placed in a self-contained education classroom even though he could have been successful in the general education classroom
What is Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?
They have the right to be a team member for the evaluation and be apart of the IEP team.
Who is the Parent?
this promotes social, emotional, and academic equality for all students and where same-age peers are educated:
What is the general education classroom?
Specially designed instruction (academic, physical, cognitive, and social-emotional) at no cost to the parents, to meet the needs of a student with one or more disabilities
What is Special Education?
Rosa was identified to receive special education based upon evaluations administered in English, even though her dominant language was Spanish:
What is Nondiscriminatory Evaluation (NDE)?
a federal law protecting the privacy of student education records and gives parents certain rights with respect to their child's education records:
What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
The general education teacher is expected to do this so all students can benefit from instruction.
What is differentiate?
Students must 1) meet the disability criteria outlined in federal and state law and 2) require individualized instruction in order to be eligible for:
What is an IEP?
Jane's family was told that the school would not pay for an ASL interpreter during her IEP meeting:
What is Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?
brings the parent and a representative of the school together with an impartial third person to talk about the areas of disagreement, in an attempt to reach an agreement:
What is Mediation?
students with disabilities in the general education classroom with same-age peers:
What is Inclusion?
Individualized, Modifications, Monitored, Related Services
What are the four main characteristics of Special Education?
Karen discusses a student's IEP with her friend Beth, who is not involved in the student's IEP team.
What is Confidentiality?
this begins when the school receives a parent's due-process complaint and a meeting is held between the parents and the IEP team:
What is Resolution?
We are often the first people to notice that a student has a disability, included in the educational support team and IEP meetings, responsible for implementing services, and is a point of contact for parents and guardians.
the main law governing the education of students eligible for special education and related services:
What is IDEA?
The local middle school evaluated Sam for special education without his parent's permission.
What is Parent Participation?
this occurs after the resolution discussion fails:
What is a hearing?
Students with disabilities often lose valuable instructional time when they are _________ from the general education classroom.
What is "pulled-out?"