A fireman
Who puts out fires
What is your favorite season?
The airport
Where do airplanes take off and land?
December 25
When is Christmas?
To see better
Why do people wear glasses?
A plumber
Who fixes leaky pipes?
What sound does a cat make?
Where do you go to mail a letter or package?
When does it snow/get cold?
To stay fit and healthy
Why do people exercise?
Mr. Julian
Who is our principal?
A pencil
What do you write with?
The cafeteria
Where do you eat lunch?
When do you rake leaves?
To protect the Earth
Why do people recycle?
A zookeeper
Who takes care of animals in a zoo?
A cell phone
What do you call people on?
Where do birds live/lay eggs?
At night
When do you go to bed/sleep?
To protect your head
Why do you wear a helmet?
A chef
Who cooks food in a restaurant?
What rings?
The barbershop
Where do you go to get a haircut?
January 1
To reach the leaves in tall tree
Why do giraffes have long necks?