Living near freeways has been shown to be an environmental risk factor because of this.
Air pollution
This theory concerns the ability to represent others' thoughts, beliefs and desires.
Theory of Mind
These brain cells help us imitate actions.
Mirror neurons
This explanatory level is used to formulate diagnoses and qualify people for services.
Despite widespread misinformation, there is no demonstrated association between ASD and these.
This theory suggests people with ASD have a cognitive style that impairs their ability to focus on the "big picture."
Weak Central Coherence
This phenomenon occurs in the first months of life in children later diagnosed with ASD and is measured by cranial volume.
Early Brain Overgrowth
These environmental risk factors are caused by exposure to pyrethroids and organophosphates and typically found in highly agricultural areas.
This is the period of substantiated risk factors for development.
This hypothesis was formed after noticing people with ASD had similar deficits to those seen in patients with a lesion in the frontal lobe of the brain.
Executive Dysfunction
This theory formulated by Simon-Baron Cohen suggests ASD is caused by exposure to high fetal testosterone levels.
Extreme Male Brain
ASD shares a left-right brain asymmetry with this language disorder.
Specific Language Impairment
This syndrome is caused by a mutation in a single gene and is a common cause of ASD and intellectual disability.
Fragile X syndrome
Cognitive theories of ASD seek to explain ASD behaviors as differences in these.
Neurons need to keep this balanced to maintain optimal function.
E-I ratio
Theory of Mind is postulated to be the cause of social-communication deficits in people with ASD but does not give an explanatory account for these, the other half of the DSM definitional dyad.
Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors
This prenatal supplement has been associated with reduced rates of ASD.
Folic acid
This theory is tested by the ability to attribute a false belief.
Theory of Mind
This imaging technique has helped us visualize how cognitive theories manifest in brain structures.
This term posed by Francesca Happe is used to describe how on the genetic and cognitive levels no single explanation exists that can completely explain ASD.