True or False: I should pretend to be a different person online.
False – be yourself but do not share personal information online
Where should you look when talking to someone?
Body and eyes must be looking toward the person you are talking to (i.e. look at their face or eyes)
True or False: You can only hangout with your friend at a house.
False- you can hangout with a friend at one of your houses or out in the community (i.e. movie theatre, bowling alley, etc.)
True or False: It is okay to celebrate and dance in front of my friend because I won.
False – it is important to be a good sport in order to be a good friend
True or False: Being cyberbullied is a risk of using the internet
True – a bully may use the internet to intimidate, put down, threaten, spread rumours or make fun of someone else online
What makes someone a bad friend?
A lot older than you, makes fun of you, gets you into trouble, no common interests, etc.
What is it called when you like the same things as someone else?
Common interest(s)
What can you do with your friend during a hangout?
Activities or games your friend is also interested in (i.e. video games, board games, outdoor games, etc.)
What should you say to your friend if you win?
“Good game”, “Do you want to play this game again?”, etc.
How can you handle bullies?
Avoid contact with the bully, hangout with other people, get help from an adult
What are some benefits of being online?
Connections with friends, fun to use, can share pictures/videos
What is a cover story?
A reason for ending a conversation (i.e.” I need to go because…”)
What do you have to do when it is time for your friend to leave?
Walk them to the door, say goodbye and clean-up
What does it mean to ‘not be a referee’?
Not telling others how they should play the game or remind people of the rules of the game when they do not ask.
True or False: ‘Teasing’ and ‘Bullying’ are the same thing
False – teasing can be used as a friendly joke between friends but bullying should never happen between friends
What are the risks of being online?
Online bullies, can be dangerous (strangers), can be distracting
What is a conversation hog?
Someone who talks for majority of the conversation only discussing their interests.
How can you ask a friend to hangout?
Call, message, in-person you can invite them to hangout
What does being a good sport mean?
Praising your friends during and after a game (i.e. “nice try!”, “good shot!”, “what a great game!”)
What is a bully?
Someone who gets into fights, threatens or physically hurts people. A bully will pick on someone frequently not just one time.
Name a quality of a good friend
Nice to you, similar in age, common interests, trustworthy, etc.
What should you do to ‘trade information’ during a conversation?
Ask questions about the person you are talking to
If your friend does not want to play a game anymore, what do you do?
Change the game by giving them other options of games/activities
What should you say to your friends when you lose a game?
Positive statements or questions (i.e. “Good game”, “Do you want to play this game again?”, “That was fun!”)
What does verbal bullying look like?
Name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours/lies, teasing