What is stress to you?
Answers will vary
Give a definition positive stress/or
Positive stress can be experienced when someone is well focused on a specific task, motivated, feeling confident and also excited about the result he/she is hoping to achieve. It is a typical short term feeling.
Give a definition of a negative stressor?
can occur when a person feels unable to perform or to cope with a situation. This feeling can be short or long term. It causes anxiety or concern and can lead to mental and physical problems.
What are some of behaviors associated with stress?
Changes in appetite -- either not eating or eating too much. Procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities. Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes.
What emoji represents how stress makes you feel?
answers will vary
An example of a positive stressor is (this could be in your life or in general)
Receiving a promotion or raise at work.
An example of a negative stressor (this could be in your life or in general).
What behaviors do you incorporate in your life to reduce stress?
Get plenty of sleep
Maintain a healthy diet
Massage therapy
… on the back of your paper finish this sentence...I feel most stressed when______________
When do you feel most stressed?
Another name for a positive stressor is
What is eustress
Another name for a negative stressor is
What is Distress
Psychological and emotional signs of stress include:
Depression or anxiety.