Can cows have twins?
How is blue cheese made?
Penicillium is added
What parlor is at the UF Dairy?
What does the acronym BSE stand for?
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or "Mad Cow Disease"
What does TMR stand for?
Total Mixed Ration
What are two types of calf housing?
Group housing and individual housing
Churning process
Can you sell milk with antibiotics?
How are most dairy cows and heifers bred?
Artificial insemination
What is a byproduct of the beer industry that we feed to dairy cattle?
brewer's grains
What do we feed calves after birth?
What is the difference between ice cream and frozen yogurt?
Ice cream is made with cream and frozen yogurt is made with cultured milk.
What are the types of cow's milk you can purchase?
Whole milk, 2% milk, 1% milk, and skim milk
What is the difference between a clinical and subclinical case?
A clinical case can be observed through signs and symptoms. A subclinical case cannot.
What is a byproduct of orange juice that is fed to dairy cattle?
citrus pulp
How is soft serve ice cream made?
A machine injects air into a pre-mixed product.
What is considered a "serving" of milk?
One cup or 8 ounces
What is one of the biggest health issues in dairy cattle?
What is the gestation length of cows?
9 months
Which usually has more protein, greek yogurt or regular yogurt?
greek yogurt
How is Lactaid milk made?
Enzyme is added to digest lactose
Where do we put sick cows?
In the "hospital pen"
Are all cows fed the same diet on a dairy farm?
No, it depends on the stage of lactation.