Maslow's most basic need
What is Physiological Needs
What are at least two different job designs that motivate employees
Job rotation (do different jobs)
Job enlargement (add tasks)
Job enrichment (advance, recognition)
Flexible schedule (flextime, 10 hr days/4 days week)
Job sharing
HRM stands for
What is Human Resource Management, activities involved in determining human resource needs, acquiring, training, and compensating to fill needs.
Supporting, training, and guiding an employee in professional development
What is mentoring
Negotiation process through which management and unions reach an agreement about composition, hours, conditions for the bargaining unit.
What is collective gargaining
Hawthorne original thought regarding factors that might affect workers most
What are physical conditions in the workplace
Theory indicating there are 5 basic needs people are motivated to satisfy
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Formal written explanation of a specific position including title, tasks, skills required
What is a job description
Term that identified when employees quit or ar fired and must be replaced by new employees
What is turnover
Primary characteristics include sexual orientation, age, gender, race, ethnicity and abilities
What are characteristics of diversity
How McGregor's Theory X managers feel about workers
Assume workers dislike work, forced to do jobs
When employees are motivated by their own perceptions or rewards
What is intrinsic reward
Prohibits discrimination in employment
What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Nonfinancial forms of compensation
What are benefits
Legally mandated plans that try to increase job opportunities for minority groups by analyzing the current pool of workers
What are affirmative action programs
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory examines which two factors
What are hygiene and motivational factors
hygiene - policies, supervisor, salary, security
motivation - achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement
Motivation is an inner drive that directs a person using three goal directed processes
What is
Identify a need (difference in actual and desired state)
Take a goal-directed behavior (action to satisfy)
Need satisfaction
Forming a pool of qualified applicants
What is recruiting
Incentive system that pays a fixed amount or a percentage of the employee's sales
What is commission
Hardest type of skills to train employees to be proficient using.
What are soft skills
In Theory Z management philosophy about employees
What is stressing the importance of employee participation in all aspects of company decision making.
Employees attitude toward his/her job, employer, and colleagues
What is morale
Verifying educational background and previous work experience
What is reference checking
Form of compensation whereby a percentage of company profits is distributed to the employees who work helped to generate them.
What is Profit Sharing
Identify employee strengths and weaknesses on the job to help identify training and development opportunities
What is assessing performance