Old and New
What book contains the history of the Church in the new Testament?
How many books in the old testament
39 books
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
What books comes after 1 Timothy
2 Timothy
How many books in the cannon bible?
66 books
What old testament book prophesies about the coming of Jesus the Messiah?
Isiah or
Genesis, Micah, Numbers, Samuel, Daniel, Hosea Jeremiah, Psalm, Deuteronomy, Malachi and Zechariah
Who wrote the first 5 books of the old testament
When Jesus left the earth, he promised us what?
Holy Spirit, Power, Gift, or Comforter.
Go prepare a place for us.
Will come get us.
What is the shortest book in the bible?
Double Jeopardy!!! What is the second shortest book?
3 John
2 John
What language was the new testament written in?
Who was the Father of King Solomon?
King David
what animal is Jesus compared to?
Which book having 13 chapters, contains "the chapter of Faith" in which we dont know the author.
Hebrews 11
How many authors wrote the bible?
Over 40
Which Gospel was written First or Last. Need one answer.
Mark was first
John was last
What was created or happened on each of the first 7 days.
1. Light
2. Sky
3. Dry land, seas, plants, trees
4. Sun, Moon and stars
5. creatures in the sea and flying
6. Animals on land and Humans
7. Rested
How long did Jesus Fast for in the desert
40 Days and 40 Nights
What book has 13 chapters and contains "the chapter of love"
1 Corinthians 13
How many languages were the original books in the bible written in?
Double Jeopardy!!! What are the languages
Three 3
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
When was the bible finished being written?
About 200 AD. and the Cannon in the 5th century
Name the 10 Commandments in order.
One God
NO idols
Dont use Gods name in Vain
Keep the Sabbath
Respect Parents
Dont Kill
No adultery
Dont Steal
Dont Lie
Dont covet
Who was the first Murderer?
Devil. John 8:44
Name all the Prophetic books of the new testament.