Branches of the Military
History of Veteran's Day
Veteran's Day Facts
Military Mottos
Famous Veterans

The land service branch of the United States Armed Forces.

What is the Army?


Veterans Day commemorates veterans of these wars.

What are Veterans of ALL wars, living or dead?


The date Veteran's Day is observed.

What is November 11th?


"De oppresso liber,” which means “To free the oppressed.”

What is the Army motto?


This American singer, musician, and actor served in Company A, 2nd Medium Tank Battalion, 37th Armor, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.  He is known for singing songs such as Burning Love, Blue Suede Shoes, and I Can't Help Falling In Love With You.

Who is Elvis Presley?


The air service branch of the United States Armed Forces.

What is the Air Force?


Veteran's Day is celebrated on November 11, which is also the day that this war ended.

What is World War I, or the Great War?


The fine men and women, living or dead, that served our country who are honored on this day.

What are veterans?


"Aim High ... Fly-Fight-Win."

What is the Air Force motto?


This young actor served in the Marine Corps in the Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines as an 81mm mortar man.  He went on to act in movies such as Hungry Hearts and played Kylo Ren in the latest Star Wars trilogy.

Who is Adam Driver?


The naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces.

What is the Navy?


Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in this year.

When is 1938?


The first name for Veteran's Day.

What is Armistice Day?


"Semper Fortis" which means "Always Courageous."

What is the Navy motto?


This American enlisted in 1947 and served in the Korean War as A U.S. Navy pilot, flying in 78 combat missions.  He would later become the first man to walk on the moon.

Who is Neil Armstrong?


The maritime land force service branch of the United States Armed Forces.

What is the Marine Corps?


This president proclaimed the first Armistice day, which later came to be known as Veterans Day.

Who is President Woodrow Wilson?


In 1954, this president officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans' Day.

Who is President Dwight D. Eisenhower?

"Semper Fidelis" which means “always faithful."

What is the Marine Corps motto?


This African American actor enlisted in the United States Air Force and served as an Automatic Tracking Radar Repairman, rising to the rank of Airman 1st Class.  He had a roll in movies such as The Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins, and Million Dollar Baby.

Who is Morgan Freeman?


The maritime security, search and rescue, and law enforcement service branch of the United States Armed Forces.

What is the Coast Guard?


In 1975, this president returned Veterans Day to November 11, due to the important historical significance of the date.

Who is President Gerald Ford?


This cemetery is home to the graves of over 400,000 people, most of whom served in the military and holds an annual memorial service on Veterans' Day.

What is the Arlington National Cemetery?

"Semper Paratus" which means "always ready."

What is the Coast Guard motto?


This actor was drafted by the United States Army during the Korean War and assigned to Fort Ord in California, where he was appointed as a lifeguard and projectionist of training films.  He acted in movies such as Dirty Harry and A Fistful of Dollars, and directed others such as Million Dollar Baby and Gran Torino.

Who is Clint Eastwood?
