MSM Money Honey
COVID Mythbusters
Animal Kingdom
Keys to Success
Pillars of Health

NCPC was awarded a new $__ million dollar grant to fight COVID-19 in vulnerable communities.

What is 40 million dollars?


The coronavirus is most often transmitted by packages in the mail. T/F

What is false?


This animal's tongue weighs as much as an elephant.

What is a blue whale?


The only person you should measure yourself up against is the person you were yesterday—compared to where you are today.

What is don't compare yourself to others.


Viewing natural scenes can reduce your stress levels. T/F


The US Department of Health and Human Services office overseeing this gran is ______.

What is the Office of Minority Health?


You can get a face mask exemption card so you don't need to wear a mask. T/F

What is false?

The United States Department of Justice has issued a statement about these fake mask exemptions, explaining that these cards and flyers are fraudulent.


The fingerprint of this marsupial is so indistinguishable from humans they have sometimes been confused at a crime scene. 

What is a koala?


I’ve noticed that the people who derive satisfaction in their career are happier, tend to work harder and don’t mind the hours.

Ignore everyone's two-bit opinions.


Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased chance of (name at least 2) 

What are: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression 


SATTC was awarded a $ __.__ million dollar grant focused on behavioral health disparities among Black people. 

What is $3.5 million dollars?


If people test positive for coronavirus antibodies, it means they are immune to the disease. T/F/TBD

What is 'yet to be determined'.

Having positive antibodies does not exclude the possibility of ongoing viral shedding during the recovery phase; therefore, social distancing, mask use, and strict hand hygiene continue to be important.


This animal is the only animal that can't jump.

What is an elephant?


If you have the raw talent, you’ll enjoy work more. You’ll exponentially get better at it since it's essentially fun to you. People will notice your efforts and enthusiasm and offer more opportunities. The promotions and raises will follow and you’ll enjoy the job even more. Your career will be a virtuous upward cycle.

Do something you're good at.


Defined by some as internal jogging, this activity is; great for the heart, a great mood regulator, a natural form of pain relief, reduces stress, is good for the immune system

What is laughter.


Bloomberg Philanthropies Commited $__.__ million gift to Morehouse School of Medicine.

What is $26.3 million dollars?


Home remedies like eating garlic, sipping water every 15 minutes, or taking vitamin C will protect people from the new coronavirus. T/F

What is false?


A rhinoceros' horn is made of ___.

What is hair.


Every night before you go to sleep, take inventory of all the positive things in your life. Positive and happy people count their blessings.

Appreciate your life.


A whole-food, plant based diet is more in accord with our physiological make-up as opposed to the SAD diet. What does S.A.D stand for?

What is the Standard American Diet?


MSM Shares $15 million dollar investment to expand COVID-19 testing at HBCU's from this foundation.

What is the Gates foundation?


Light from a a UV lamp can disinfect your hands and skin.

What is false?

Some hospitals and subway systems use UV lights to disinfect surfaces, but only when there are no people present because UV light can also burn your skin and eyes.


This animal has spines like a porcupine, a beak like a bird, a pouch like a kangaroo and lays eggs like a reptile.

What is an echidna?


There is enough bounty out there for everyone to become successful. Feel free to help out others in need. Your good deeds  will come back to you tenfold. Also, you don't have to worry about making enemies that are always out to get you.

Don't be a jerk.


This type of breathing reduced blood pressure, encourages relaxation, helps manage stress by strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system.

What is deep, diaphragmatic breathing?
