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Which of the following introduced silver tanka? 

1) Balban 

2) Raziya Sulthana

3) Illtumish

4) Allauddin khilji

Ans) Illtumish

Illtumish introduced the Arabic coinage into INDIA and the silver tanka weighing 175 gms. Was a main coin in medieval as well as modern INDIA


Forbidden City

1) Moscow

2) Seattle

3) Beijing

4) New York


1) Beijing


Which colour was used in the ancient  painting to depict hunters

1) Blue 

2) Green 

3) Brown

4) Red

Ans) Red

Red : Hunters

Green: Dancers


The iron pillar built by Chandragupta 2 is in which place in Delhi? 

Ans) Mehrauli 

This was built during the reign of Chandragupta 2 which didn't rust till now. 


Arthshaastra was written by whom?? 

 Ans) Chanakya ( kautilya) 


Which temple is also known as " Black Pagoda" ? 

Ans) Sun temple at Konark. 

Built by Narasimhadeva 1 of Ganga dynasty in the 13 th century. It is in puri district of Odisha Also known as Konark Surya mandir as it is dedicated to Sun God. 


Where did BUDDHA passed away? 

1) Lumbini

2) Kushinagar

3) Pavapuri

4) Varanasi

Ans) Kushinagar


Which was the assumptions of Kautilya about state. 

1) Theory of Saptanga

2) Theory of Ashtanga

3) Shad darsanas

4) Panchasheel principles

Ans) Theory of Saptanga


Hornbill is popular in which state of India? 

 Ans ) Nagaland

It is a major program of the tribes of Nagaland. 


Who began the Saka year ? 

The king known as Andhra Bhoja? 

Ans) a- Kanishka

b- Krishnadeva Raya


Latina, Phamsana, and Valabhi types of Shikharas are majorly found in

1) Vesara style 

2) Dravida style 

3) Nagara style

Ans) Nagara style


Who wrote the book " Prithviraj Raso"

1) Kabeer

2) Jayadevan

3) Prithviraj Chaula

4) Chandbardai

Ans) Chandbardai


When was the French Revolution? 

Ans) 1789 -1794 


The period during which the Aryans settled in the Sapta Sindhu region is known as

1) Rig vedic 

2) later vedic

3) vedic period

4) Sangam period

Ans) Rig vedic period


Hortus Malabaricus, a Book by the Dutch was compiled by whom? 

1) Van Reede 

2) Itti Narayan

3) Joseph Kurian

4) William James

Ans) Van Reede with the help of Itti Achuthan Vaidyar. Talks about the medicinal plants of South India


The Flamingo festival is celebrated in which state? 

1) Karnataka   2) Bihar

3) Assam

4) Andhra Pradesh

Ans) Andhra pradesh

The festival was being held every year to bring together the people and various department in the task of preserving Pulicat lake and surrounding. Every year, it is reported that approximately 15,000 greater flamingos reach here along with other birds


Ancient name of chess is

1) Chaturlinga

2) Chathurshanga

3) Chathuranga

4)  Chathurvarna

Ans) Chathuranga

Originated: NW India during Gupta empire

In the earlier 6 th century or around it, it was known as Chathuranga


A)  Indian Napoleon

B)Bible of Tamil 

C) Who wrote Vikramovasiyam

D) Cuneiform script is associated with which civilization? 

Ans) a- Samudragupta

b - Chilappathikaram

C) Kalidasa

D) Mesopotamian Civilization


Another name of Slave dynasty ? 

Ans) mumluk / mamluk dynasty

Started: Qutubuddin Aybak which existed from 1206-1290


The Rebellion of the inhabitants of Tajmahal hills, in the Bengal Province was known as ___ 

1) Fakir rebellion

2) Sanyasi rebellion

3) Santhaal rebellion

Ans) Santhaal rebellion against the British


The kingdom of Satavahanas was founded by whom?? 

Ans) Simukha

The dynasty extended from the mouth of Krishna river to the whole of Deccan plateau


Which was the 1 st place to cultivate cotton in India? 

Ans) Mehrgarh


The Chinese scholar who visited India during the period of chandragupta 2

1) Huan Tsang 

2) Fahien

3) Megasthenese 

4) Berner

Ans) Fahien


Who proposed the name Indian National Congress

1) W. C Bannerjee

2) A. O Hume

3) Dadabhai Naoroji

4) Gopalakrishna Gokhale. 

Ans) Dadabhai Naoroji ( moderist) 

Introduced Drain Theory and a prominent leader OF INC


Capital of Mongolia

