Black Death
Yellow Fever
Spanish Influenza

Name the three items which the tall man brought to Goodwoman Phillips.

A cup, a cloth, and a knife.


Name the doctor who discovered what transmitted cholera. 

Dr. John Snow


Name three symptoms of yellow fever.

Chills, Crushing Headache, Pain in Limbs and Back, Racing Pulse, Stomach Cramps, Fever, Yellow Skin and Eyes (Jaundiced), Vomit Black, Clotted Blood.


Mary Mallon ended with a job as a cook in a hospital. Explain what happened once she started working there. Explain what happened to Mary Mallon. 

Since she was a healthy carrier of typhoid, she spread the disease to the staff and patients. Dr. Baker went to the hospital, identified her, and she was sent to North Brother Island for the next 23 years. 

The first recorded patient in the influenza pandemic.

Private Gitchell


What transmitted the plague to humans?

Rodents such as squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, rabbits, mice, voles, and rats.


Cholera was thought, at one point, to be transmitted by miasma. 

Define miasma. 

A fog of infected air rising from piles of garbage and sewage.

If you participated in the theories tested during the yellow fever epidemic, you received $___________. If you caught yellow fever, you received another $________.

$100, $100


Why was Dr. Sara Josephine Baker chosen to convince Mary Mallon of testing?

She was one of few women doctors at the New York City Health Department.


What places had to be shut down during the Spanish Influenza pandemic? (Name THREE)

Movie theaters, dance halls, libraries, restaurants, churches. 


What foretold evil was coming? (Hint: It was seen in the sky)

A comet flaring across the sky.


An anesthesiologists is one who administers sleeping gases to patients. What two medicines did John Snow use?

Chloroform and Ether


Who first thought of yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes?

Dr. Carlos Finlay


Name the tests George Soper completed before coming to the conclusion that Mary Mallon was a healthy carrier. (Name TWO)

Plumbing, Water from the Taps, Contaminated Milk, Contaminated Shellfish.


The German army was suspected of this during the spanish influenza pandemic. 

Using the spanish influenza as a "secret weapon."

Also, "the seeds of the disease were contained in the poison gas used on the battlefields. 


What were other ways to die besides the plague in 1665?

Diarrhea, An Abscess or Boil, Obesity, Hysteria, or Asthma.


What was shut down once Snow made his discoveries?

The Broad Street Pump


Name the three theories which were tested for the transmission of yellow fever.

Bacteria, Bedding/Clothing, Mosquitos


It was suspected for poor families to become ill with typhoid versus wealthy families because.....

"Typhoid was a disease for the poor. It meant you didn't have proper standards of hygiene in your home."


Part A: Why do we get sick with the flu year after year?

Part B: Which two ways does the flu mutate?

Part A: Each year, there are different strains which have mutated. Since our body does not recognize the new strain, it is unable to fight the flu off. 

Part B: Antigenic Drift and Antigenic Shift


What were two ways of preventing the plague which were suggested to some who could not move out of the city?

Gold coins in doctor's mouths, herbs and spices combined with vinegar or tar be burned to cleanse the air, smoked/chewed tobacco, wearing protective amulets, and "con artists sold all kinds of exotic wonder drugs."


What came out of Snow and Whitehead's discovery of the transmission of cholera.

The first major sewer system in London.


Name the four scientist who worked on the testing the theories for yellow fever.

Reed, Agramonte, Lazear, and Carroll


Who was the first known carrier of typhoid? (before Mary Mallon)

A woman in Germany who worked in a bakery.


How is the flu spread from person to person? 

Infected droplets in the air. People will "shed" the virus from three-six days after contracting it. 
